Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bush's Africa Aids Package... Uh, okay.

Friday, in the latest example of increasingly, and spectacularly pathetic PR antics, Bush argued fervently before Congress in support of continuing financial aid for HIV relief in Africa.

It was a valiant and courageous message of hope and conviction.

I can't find a transcript, but in his address to Congress, Bush continually used language like, "We don't want people guessing on the continent of Africa whether the generosity of the American people will continue" in his standard idiotic, tough guy cowboy demeanor. By listening to the tone of the speech, one would have assumed that there was a vast controversy surrounding the aid package. Indeed, there are a few who have some quible with some of the provisions of the plan... Republicans who want more of the funds to go toward abstinance education, to be precise. However, there is near-unanimous support for the Africa/AIDS package among Democrats in the House.

I'll say that again: There is near-unanimous support for the Africa/AIDS package among Democrats in the House.

Over all, the aid package enjoys solid bi-partisan support.

What is wrong with that guy?

Stupid, absurd, baseless, and pathetic grandstanding on the part of the President. And nothing more.

But moreover, why is Bush pretending to be concerned with AIDS in Africa when he obviously doesn't give a shit about the health of his own citizens, for example?

Scoring political points is an obvious answer. And it doesn't hurt that much of the aid money goes directly into the pockets of American drug companies.

Double whammy.

Here's an example of the brilliant defense the President offered of the Aids package, "My attitude toward Congress is, see what works, PEPFAR [The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief] is working. It is a balanced program. It is an ABC program abstinence, be faithful and condoms. It is a program that's been proven effective."

Besides the stunning incoherence of the statement, it should be noted that PEPFAR has, in fact, not been shown to be more effective than more comprehensive programs.


Anonymous said...

ABC program....abstinence, be faithful and condoms? Classic Bushism there. I'll truly miss having Edward Albee humor delivered through the mouth of the president on a regular basis.

Trey said...

Yeah, the comedic value is great. And what will I write about?

Unknown said...

abstinence works as well as my ability to spell it. i almost had to get the dictionary!?
bush givin a shit about anyone but his own little cock is not gonna happen.!.
why does evry1 beat around the crappy 'bush' that isn't growing and keep sending their children to become "so good"?
is anyone else sick of millions spent on a "good" candidate?
let's all get back together.

Anonymous said...

since when is it the united states taxpayers should foot the bill for africa aids victims. we dont take care of our own. who really cares what is happening in africa it isnt any of our business.