Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Beef Consmption by Pregnant Women results in Fertiltiy problems in their Offspring

At fist, i wanted to tell everybody about these latest findings. But then, I thought, wow! this is Darwinism at its best. Apparently, mothers who eat high amounts of beef during pregnancy, produce male offspring who have low sperm counts.

This is good on two levels.

1) If you are reading this, and if you are pregnant, don't eat beef if you want grandchildren.

2) If you are not reading this and you eat lots of beef, you are less likely to have grandchildren.

win/win for animals

Activism Works!... sort of

Burger King recently announced that, due to public pressures, they will start introducing very small percentages of cage free animal products into their menue items. Meager. But every animal saved from some degree of misery is a victory.

Read more.

Birmingham Upholds its Legacy of Intolerance

The Birmingham City Council failed to pass a resolution to join a growing number of communities designated as “inclusive communities” by the National League of Cities. Birmingham has re-established itself as a leader in intolerance, exclusion, bigotry and hatred by failing to pass the resolution that would declare that gay people deserve equal status in our community.

Miriam Witherspoon, Roderick Royal, Joel Montgomery and Steven Hoyt, all of whom voted against the resolution, need to be replaced on the city council.

Please contact these council members to let them know how you feel about their vote. Abbott, voted yesUS +1 2052542355 Call Smitherman, voted yesUS +1 2052542359 Call Reynolds Duncan, voted yesUS +1 2052542678 Call Witherspoon, voted noUS +1 2052542418 Call Hoyt, voted noUS +1 2052542304 Call Montgomery, voted noUS +1 2052542349 Call Royal, voted noUS +1 2052542302 Call Parker, abstained(NO DECISION IS A DECISION)US +1 2052542464 Call Bell, not present to voteUS +1 2052542678 Call
March 29, 2007 8:43 AM

Read more

Monday, March 26, 2007

Thanks Wolfgang!

World famous chef Wolfgang Puck has taken measures to help out animals. Way to go!

Send him thanks if you feel like it.

Close Guantamamo Now

The prison at Guantanamo is a national tragedy. There are now several Republicans, including John McCain, calling for it to be closed, and for the prisoner's trials to be expedited. The Pentagon now admits that only a few of the hundreds of detainees will be charged with anything. Our country has detained hundreds of innocent people and tortured them for 5 years now.

Our country has detained and tortured hundreds of innocent people for 5 years.

Please tell Congress that this must stop.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Fucked Up Shit

Fucked Up Shit

Private war corporations ripping off your govenment and deciding what information should be withheld from Congress. Thank George Bush.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Iraq War Anniversary

There will be hundreds of Vigils tomorrow in recognition of the anniversary of the Iraq war. This is not a protest, but an acknowledgement of a terrible tragedy.

Click here to find one near you.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Bush Administration Favors Loyalty Over Competence

If you've been paying attention at all, you've heard about the scandal involving the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys, and the subsequent cover-up by the White House and Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, who famously said that the US Constitution does not guarantee a right to Habeas Corpus. Gonzalez is also famous for being able to walk up-right while being completely void of a spinal column.

The fact that the Attorneys were fired for a flagrant lack of proclivity to kiss up to the Bushies shouldn't surprise anyone. Bush's preference for blind adherence to his sinister goals over job-competence is well-precedented. Perhaps the best example of this is the appointment of the infamous Michael Brown to the head of FEMA; a man whose prior employment was over-seeing horse trial judges for the Arabian Horse Association, a position from which he was asked to resign.

Agents in charge of accounting for war expenditures in Iraq have been criticised for a lack of experience, but curiously, many among them have been involved in campaign fund-raising for Bush. Is it coincidental that 400 Billion dollars have simply evaporated in Iraq?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Al Gore: Hypocrite?

That question being raised, I hope Gore runs for president. I'd much rather vote for him than either of the other front-runners.

Last week, PETA sent a letter to Gore pointing out the fact that the NUMBER ONE single source of greenhouse gases is large scale meat production. Numero uno. And no mention of that fact on An Inconvenient Truth. PETA encoraged Gore to adopt a meat-free diet. We'll see if he responds.

I had already noted that glaring omission. But I also noticed that, in the film, Gore is driving a Lexus, albeit a hybrid. Still, you simply can not promote yourself as an environmental warrior and drive a car that gets 25 mpg without looking like a hypocrite. What, just because he is rich, he doesn't have to drive a fuel efficient car, but he tries to convince everybody else to do it?

Sorry Al, I'm more than a little disappointed.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I will spend 6 hours on Delta enroute to Ft. Lauderdale tomorrow. After that will be pure fun.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

No, really, she actually said that...

Back up a second. The Coultergeist actually called John Edwards a "faggot"! And it wasn't a slip, it was a scripted part of her speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference. Isn't that the same thing as saying, "I was going to talk about Al Sharpton, but I can't use the word "nigger", so I guess I can't"? I mean, isn't it? But here's the thing, the crowd there laughed. I guess that sort of joke is okay in that crowd.

The conservative movement in this country today is derranged. But more importantly, they are expremely dangerous.

Update: at least she's catching some heat. Her response, "I'm so ashamed, I can't stop laughing!"

Saturday, March 3, 2007

The stupidest person in Congress

The stupidest person in Congress?

Maybe. But there are a few contenders (Nancy Boyda, Jean Schmidt, and every one from Alabama (sorry Artur Davis, but you voted for torture) and Missisipi come to mind. And if you need a Democrat on the list, how about Robert Byrd, NOT Charlie Rangel)

Friday, March 2, 2007

Ann Coulter calls John Edwards a "Faggot"

Nobody I know has used that word since the sixth grade. The point here isn't that Coulter is an evil bigot, we knew that already. The point is that she is an evil bigot, AND a deranged wacko, AND MAINSTREAM REPUBLICANS ACTUALLY TAKE HER SERIOUSLY!

That's Really Sad.

And, come to think of it, she shares that distinction with most other right-wing front-lines media hacks. Oh yes, O'reily, Hannity, Laura Ingraham, et al, are evil bastards, but that's a point hardly worth making. I'd like to point out that they also happen to be silly, absurd dorks. Quite simply. Nobody that ridiculous would make it in left-wing media circles. We're too cool for that.

A minor point perhaps, yet, I think it is telling.

...of something


Thursday, March 1, 2007