Saturday, May 26, 2007

Darth Cheney addresses West Point Grads

Why am I surprised; at what he says or that most Americans have such a lack of education in basic history that they are willing to believe what he says? What appalls me most, is that the men and women who are going to be leading our military in the Middle East, are assumed to have such a lack of history education that the Vice President feels that he can make these remarks. I can understand him assuming that your average American is an idiot, but West Point grads?

A few quotes......
"America is fighting this enemy in Iraq because that is where they have gathered. We are there because, after 9/11, we decided to deny terrorists any safe haven."
"Their ultimate goal is to establish a totalitarian empire, a caliphate, with Baghdad as its capital."

If you are not exactly sure why these statements are inaccurate, reply and I will post more with details. Right now I am too beyond belief to even want to try.

Here is the whole transcript if you want these quotes in context.

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