Jeff Corkhill sent me this pic. The Human animal has strange dietary habits indeed. How did it evolve to eat styrofoam and fluff? And for what purpose? And in what way is its fitness for survival enhanced by the application of all manner of seemingly purposeless chemicals to its body, habitat, and place of dwelling?
I was in the grocery store yesterday and the lady behind me with her two kids had nothing in the completely-filled cart that even resembled food: cheesy poofs, bologna, ho-ho cream puff pies, hot dogs, several cases of every kind of soft drink, etc. I have said it before... you should have to get a liscence to breed.
The Human animal has a strange diet indeed. How did it evolve to eat styrofoam and fluff? And for what purpose? And in what way is its fitness enhanced by the application of all manner of seemingly purposeless chemicals to its habitat and place of dwelling?
I have always found it interesting that you need a license to drive, fish, hunt, own a business, but any asshole or degenerate can have a kid. Interesting pic, but I personally dont do the pet food isle-well not for my self anymore- I meant anyway! I swear thats what I meant.
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