Wednesday, April 18, 2007

31 versus 500,000

Okay, my two cents on the Virginia Tech shootings:

First, can you believe the response from pro-gun rights advocates? "If people in that room had guns, they could have shot that guy!" Seriously? Do they really think that in a college classroom, everybody should be packing heat? That's the mainstream, right-wing response, folks, in all its glorious insanity. Here's the other one, "If Americans hadn't been so wussified by the liberal mainstream media (and gay people?), they would have just beat up the guy!"


Secondly, isn't it a bit strange that 31 Americans dying from random violence occupies more media attention than the entire Darfur genocide, which has claimed almost 500,000 lives so far?
31 vs. 500,000. That's a pretty big difference. The violence in Darfur is ongoing. Children are being murdered every day, women too, but they're just a bunch of nappy headed hos. Didn't we learn anything from Ruwanda?

Come to think of it, Anna Nicole's death occupied more news coverage than the entire Darfur conflict. Is there hope for the Human?


Unknown said...

AMEN! This was on wonkette:

160 Killed In Terrible Massacre:
Normal life came to a screeching halt today in America as news of an awful mass murder spread across the nation. Politicians canceled rallies, Congress delayed impeachment proceedings and office workers stopped their usual banal chit-chat about teevee shows or whatever for impassioned if still ill-informed discussions of gun control, violence and the dangers of creative-writing programs.

Ha ha, just kidding! This massacre happened in Iraq, which we totally ignore even though it's all our fault.

A series of coordinated bombings in central Baghdad included one particularly deadly blast that immediately killed 115 people — mostly moms and kids shopping for food. Also killed by that bomb were the construction workers rebuilding part of the al-Sadriyah market that was destroyed by another bomb two months ago. It's the single bloodiest day since the magical American Surge "secured Baghdad."

Anonymous said...

True, but Iraqi lives aren't as important as American lives, right?