Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I'm not surprised

In this post, I wrote the following, " Trent Lott, Senator from Mississippi and notable scumbag racist, announced his resignation from the senate this week. It is widely speculated that Lott is resigning now to avoid the new law that bans senators from entering the lobbying business within 2 years of resigning. It is estimated that lobbying would secure a multi-million dollar income for Lott. When asked at a news conference yesterday whether the new law had anything to do with his decision, he replied that it "didn't have a big role". I call bullshit. We'll see."

In the news this week, Trent Lott is open for business.

I'm not claiming to have any sort of remarkable insight in this situation. I just think its amazing how greedy that guy is, and how willing he is to put forth such a shameless lie.

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