Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Impeachment: The Conservative choice

George Bush and Dick Cheney must be impeached.

As I have written before, this is not a political question, but a Constitutional imperative. Impeachment is not about "punishing" Bush, or even to prevent this administration from committing further violations of the law.

It is about preserving the framework of our democracy.

This administration has completely reconfigured the nature of the powers held by the executive branch. The constitution clearly defines and limits the powers held by the executive. Bush has claimed exemption from these limitations. The Constitution prescribes a course of action to be followed when an executive violates constraints on his power described therein. That prescription is Impeachment. It is not an option.

The powers that Bush has claimed for the executive set a precedent. Therefore, even if Bush himself did not abuse the right to torture, to spy on American citizens without a warrant, to detain anyone in the world indefinitely and without a trial, to susend the right of habeas corpus , and to conduct extraordinary renditions, a future President may now use those powers based on the precedent set by this administration.

Furthermore, these actions set an example internationally. Russia is now involved in a conflict with Chechan seperatists who have committed acts of terror. If Vladimir Putin claimed the same powers that Bush has claimed, Russian agents would be able to come to America, seize you from your home, take you to a secret detention facility, and torture you indefinitely, without ever giving you a trial, on mere suspicion that you may be supporting Chechan rebels. Is that the example that America should be setting for the world?

It is incredible to me that today many Americans have such a fundamental misunderstanding of the principles upon which this country was built, that they would say, "Well, if you're not doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about." Hundreds of detainees have been released from Guantanamo after the administration has failed to find any evidence against them. Many remain there in spite of a lack of evidence. There have been many tragic stories like that of Khaled El-masri. Without judicial oversight, nothing prevents the government from illegally abducting you from whatever reason it wants. That's fundamentally un-American. If you're not doing anything wrong, why don't you favor having a military squad search every home in America once a month? That would certainly lower the crime rate.

Bush and Cheney swore an oath to "support and defend the constitution of the United States". In this they have failed. Please contact your representatives and senators and urge them to support impeachment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've contacted all my reps. Thanks.