Tuesday, May 15, 2007



I mean, just, Wow!

If you haven't read about James Comey's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee concerning the US Attorney firings, read it here. And even if you did hear about it, I'd recommend reading about it again. From NPR, "One senator called it some of the most dramatic testimony he's heard in 25 years as a legislator."

The most striking fact that came out in the testimony was that the domestic surveillance program was, in its original form, unacceptable to John Ashcroft and James Comey. THAT MEANS THAT BUSH WANTED THE PROVISIONS OF THE PROGRAM TO BE MORE INVASIVE AND MORE ILLEGAL THAN THEY BECAME IN THEIR FINAL FORM. The program that was found to be illegal by every court that has considered it is a HEAVILY SCALED-BACK version of what Bush wanted.

It was, therfore, perfectly clear to George Bush that what he wanted to do was completely and undeniably illegal. It took a legion of Federal lawyers threatening to resign to convince him to alter his plan.

John Ashcroft apparently told George Bush that he wasn't signing off on this illegal program. That means that John Fucking Ashcroft has some measure of respect for the law which is in significant excess of that which the President possesses. I can't decide if that makes me dislike Ashcroft less or dislike Bush more. Both seem impossible. Maybe my head will implode.

The testimony provoked Arlen Specter (R: PN) to remark, "The department really cannot function with the continued leadership, or lack of leadership, of Attorney General Gonzales".

I mean... wow.

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