Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Supreme Court delines to review Guantanamo Detainee's Case

The Supreme Court declined, on Monday, to hear the case brought by 45 detainees who have been held at the Illegal Guantanamo Bay detention center. The 45 men have not been charged with any crime in the 5 years they have been detained. Last year, the Republican led Congress passed the Military Commissions Act, which, among other heinous violations of common morality and the US Constitution, stripped Federal judges of the authority to hear cases brought by "Enemy Combatants". The case before the Supreme Court challenged the Constitutionality of that Act.

In their written opinion, the Court cited the tradition of not hearing inmates cases before other legal avenues have been exhausted. But per the linked article, the reasons may have been more complicated. In short, some members didn't want to hear the case fearing that conservative Justices may uphold the lower court's decision, setting a precedent.

Let's be clear; these conservative Justices have no respect for individual or Human rights. It is now clear that they are pawns of the Conservative movement which seeks to strip American citizens, as well as citizens of the world, of pesky legal rights in order to concentrate power in the hands of American Corporations and power brokers. In other words, this case has nothing to do with detainees at Guantanamo, and everything to do with making laws and setting precedents that strip people of legal rights for whatever reason America might choose to do so. It doesn't hurt that, if released, these detainees would talk to the press, and that, my friends, would be quite embarrassing to the administration. Which brings us the the origin of Habeas: the Magna Carta established the right of Habeas in response to a nasty habit of Kings to imprison forever people who had negative things to say about them. It seems that modern day kings have the same inclination.

This stark reality is truly frightening.

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