Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Al Gore: Hypocrite?

That question being raised, I hope Gore runs for president. I'd much rather vote for him than either of the other front-runners.

Last week, PETA sent a letter to Gore pointing out the fact that the NUMBER ONE single source of greenhouse gases is large scale meat production. Numero uno. And no mention of that fact on An Inconvenient Truth. PETA encoraged Gore to adopt a meat-free diet. We'll see if he responds.

I had already noted that glaring omission. But I also noticed that, in the film, Gore is driving a Lexus, albeit a hybrid. Still, you simply can not promote yourself as an environmental warrior and drive a car that gets 25 mpg without looking like a hypocrite. What, just because he is rich, he doesn't have to drive a fuel efficient car, but he tries to convince everybody else to do it?

Sorry Al, I'm more than a little disappointed.

1 comment:

billycool said...

Hey Trey. My very first blog reply...ever. Test test....