Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Rare Bush Veto

Today, Bush has used one of the rare presidential powers he doesn't like to abuse, the veto. Unfortunately, the veto was used to keep the congress from limiting executive powers in other ways. This bill would have specifically, and by name, forbidden the Central Intelligence Agency from using waterboarding, along with other forms of tortu.....ahhhhum...excuse me......I mean interrogation. I believe that this is his fifth veto while president. Two of them, I can not recall, but let's look at the other three.

First, there is this one. He actually vetoed a bill that would say we can not torture people. It is bad enough that our Congress feels it necessary to pass this bill in the first place, but then the President goes and vetoes it. You know, this has actually gotten to me so much that I am out of snark. My snark has left the building. But, maybe this will help people to understand why hoodie wearing, anarchist bicyclers are blowing up military recruitment centers.

Next, Bush hates for poor children to be healthy. Yes, he vetoed a bill giving children health care. He apperently loves poor kids while they're in the womb, but could give a flying fuck about them once they've cleared the vagina.

The third one I can recall off the top of my head is his first. Yup, this is slut he popped his veto cherry on. This whore of ethics was none other than the evil that is stem cell research. In Bush's own word's stem cell research, "crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect." So, let me get this straight; using an unwanted grouping of cells, that have not even attached themselves to a woman's uterus yet, for medical research that could save the lives and decrease the suffering of innumerable people, crosses a moral boundary that torture is safely behind. And, we have come full circle in the travels through Bush's logic.

I need a drink...


Andy said...

drink one for me man, drink one for me...what a f-ing bozo...I'll be glad when Bush has left the building.

Trey said...

"So, let me get this straight; using an unwanted grouping of cells, that have not even attached themselves to a woman's uterus yet, for medical research that could save the lives and decrease the suffering of innumerable people, crosses a moral boundary that torture is safely behind. And, we have come full circle in the travels through Bush's logic."
