Friday, November 2, 2007

War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

This was said in 2002, but I just came across it today. This is once again one of those times when I am beyond words. That the media did not pick up on this when it was said is appalling. I guess it is true that "Ignorance is Strength."
And, by the way, remember....
Oceania is at war with Iraq. Oceania has always been at war with Iraq.


Anonymous said...

Did you know that there are now 13 cameras for every man, woman, and child in the public spaces of Great Britain? This is done in the name of security and peace, without proper regard for the possible abuses of such technology. If you find this trend disturbing, meet John Gilmore, one of my neighbors, and well known eccentric here in San Francisco: . Privacy, and personal freedom along with it, are close to dead in this country.

Trey said...

Yeah, isn't it great all the "peace" this war has generated?

Unknown said...

and let's not forget that "peace is war". The clinton administration was very good at killing people during peace time. His administration is responsible for 500,000 civilian deaths in Iraq and that does not include the no less than 6 times/month he bombed Iraq from 1996 - 2000. As far as surveillance, it's been a done deal for a while. There is only the illusion of privacy. the Patriot Act ended all hopes of restoring 4th amendment rights and the militarye already has satellite imagery with .1m pixel resolution (possibly better). Basically, they can tell you what your reading from space.

Freedom is Slavery: Isn't this why Walmart has a sweatshop in Haiti? Let's face it, America is not what it is without forced labor and genocide. There has not been a single moment in our history since WWII where this has not been true.

Ignorance is Strength: I'll let Jeff speak to this. He's the won working in our public school system, but I think we all know why this is true.

viva la Bush.